September 15, 2009


Everyday that Zack goes to preschool, we receive a daily report. There's always an extra note at the bottom to personalize it to each child. Zack has received "Zachary did very well writing his name today." and "Zachary was very excited to eat his Spongebob yogurt."
Today we received a message that said, "Zachary worked very hard to put puzzles pieces together today. However, we've noticed that he interact or play much with the other kids. We're going to work on his social skills this year." hmmmmmm.
Does this sound like anyone I'm married to??? (I really am afraid of Zack picking up on (or rather, inheriting) Dave's less than stellar traits.)
In Zack's defense, he was very upset when I dropped him off at school this morning. Today was the first time he cried, he was almost histerical. When he's like this, he does tend to be more introverted. On the other hand, Zack has proclaimed that he doesn't like people looking at him. (except mommy and daddy.) Some days he picks up friends like a magnet, others he just wants to do his own thing. (I'm a little annoyed at how the teachers handled, rather didn't handle, this situation too! I won't get into it, but they definately made me late to class when I was looking at being 10 minutes early upon arrival to the school.)
I think today he probably just wanted to do his own thing. I also do not think that the teachers really encourage peer-peer play. They have circle time and activity "stations". Except for the play kitchen "station", all the other are really solo the computer games, coloring/drawing, writing center, book/library station.
We'll see how "social" Zack is on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to give you any advice on this one...good luck!

    and no problem with "stealing" that blog idea of else are you supposed to remember all this are blogging about your kids ;) go for it!
