January 30, 2009

The silly things Zack says...

Zack asked me "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Since he was a fireman for Halloween, I asked him if he wants to be a fireman. "nooooo." So I asked him, "what do you want to be?" He says, "ummmm, I know! A doctor!"

One morning last week, Zack woke up and came into our bedroom just as I was getting up too. He looks at me and says, "mommy, what's with your hair!" Apparently, Zack isnt used to see me with messy hair!

"Daddy, I wanna watch the cooking show, mommy's show!"

We were on the bus, going past a hotel and Zack asked, "Is that the library?" I said, "No, it's a hotel." Zack thinks a little and says, "Oh! I wanna LIVE at the hotel." I asked him why he wants to live at the hotel? His response was, "because that's where Bubie and Zeida live...and Aunt Jackie, Uncle Dan, Ava and Charlie (the dog.)"

January 26, 2009

A Towering Inferno??

Last night Dave and I decided to have a simple dinner of hamburgers. Since there's still a thick layer of ice and 2 inches of snow on the grill, oh and its too darn cold to go outside, I decided to try broiling the burgers. I looked up online how long to cook them for and where in the oven to place them. I came to a consensis of 8 minutes for medium burgers. At the 7 minute mark I started hearing popping and I could smell grease burning. I open the oven door to peek in and I sure enough I see the grease from the burgers popping and shooting up and sparking when they hit the oven's elements. This is causing some smoke to build up in the oven. I close the door and wait out the last minute of cooking time. When the timer goes off, I open the door to pull out the burgers. I find the entire top of the broiler pan in flames this time! I close the oven door again and turn off the broiler. Hopeing not to set off the smoke alarms (since Zack is napping), I open the back door and turn on the exhaust fan.
Now, I'm thinking to myself, How can I extinquish the flames, get rid of the smoke without Dave noticing because I know I'll never hear the end of it from him. I remember that I opened the back door...ahh haa! I'll quickly take the broiler pan outside. Well, I guess the flames were too big for Dave to NOT notice. I take one step towards the back door and I hear him say "OH MY G-D!!" I take one more step towards the door and the flames go out. As I'm walking to open a window to let more smoke out, I'm telling Dave that I'm just glad the smoke alarms didnt go off....and BAM they go off!
Any normal person would wake up right away right? Dave and I turned off 3 out of 4 alarms before Zack even stirred awake!! This actually has me a little concerned should there be a real fire.

January 24, 2009

Dave's Birthday

I expected to be writing about what a nice time Dave and I had tonight. We hired a babysitter, went out to dinner followed by some small-town fun, bowling! However, shortly before the babysitter arrived, I decided to clean out the litter box. The litter box is in our downstairs bathroom. Now, to preface things, our cat likes to throw litter everywhere, the floor gets covered in litter after one visit. So after I cleaned out the crap on the inside, I picked up the litter box to sweep up the floor. When I picked up the litter box, I noticed the litter box was sitting in a puddle. I quickly identified this smell as urine, but not cat urine. Now, I can't say for certain, but I am 99% certain that this liquid came from a certain 3 yr old living amoung us. He's had a few accidents while peeing on the potty recently. (He needs to work on his aim!) Usually he tells me that there's pee-pee on the floor when it happens, but apparently not every time. I have no idea how long ago this accident happened. I cleaned the litter box 3 days ago, so not THAT long ago but still...
If any of you have a cat, you'll know that cat litter when wet either clumps or turns into a slimy, clay-like substance. This slimey substance was all over my floor and the bottom of the litter box. And those of your with babies may know how foul a diaper that's sat in the garabage can mroe than a day can smell. I got everything cleaned up but I'm not sure how long it will be before the SMELL goes away. It may be in my head. I'm going to have to break out the bleach and clean it again tomorrow!