November 16, 2009

the nightly plea...

"mommy, I want you to sleep with me." This used to be Zack's line as I put him to bed. Since we moved Aaron into his big-boy-bed, he has since adopted it too. Now, I (or Dave) put Zack to bed. He asks if I can sleep with him, usually I lie there with him for about 10 minutes. If he's feeling chatty or restless, I leave sooner.
The first few nights Aaron slept in his bed, I laid with him to ensure that he STAYED in his bed. The first night I woke up at 3 am as Aaron was climbing into my bed! The second night, I was woken up by Aaron crying in the hallway at 2 am. The third night he started down the stairs at 3 am and I think got scared or couldnt see in the dark and just started crying. I brought him into bed with me both times.
Aaron now asks me to sleep with him as I'm putting him to bed (after he protests first.) I have to lay there with him until he falls asleep or else he jumps up and heads for the door! I didn't think Aaron was ready for a bed yet, but his father insisted because other people thought he was ready.


  1. Hey Kristina! The "nightly plea" is heard at my house too. And, we put Ryan in a big boy bed too early too. We should talk more, we have a lot in common. Paul falls asleep in Ryan's bed almost every night or else Ryan refuses to sleep in his bed. We ended up putting a gate on his door and if we don't stay until he's asleep we find him asleep at his gate. Crazy Sleep Routines!

    PS: Sandy Muller has mistaken you for me twice now! I got a big hug from her at the Elf Shop on Saturday and then she realized it wasn't you.

  2. Looks like Ellisa will be sleeping in mine for a while. She goes to sleep by herself in her crib, but once she wakes up by 3am she refuses to go back, and so so ends up in my bed. I hope it ends soon.
