October 13, 2009

Tids bits of happenings

Lots of little things have marked the past few weeks. Dave took Zack to his first Penn State game this past Saturday. Penn State played E. Illinois so Dave got two tickets pretty easily and relatively cheap. I tried to get Dave to take the camera to take some pictures, but he refused. He did take some pictures with his phone though. I wish I could get them online somehow. (Sorry, no blackberry or iPhone in this house.) Zack loved the game and proclaimed that next week Aaron gets to go too!

Zack also enjoyed his first movie-theather movie. The movie "Up" was playing at the dollar theater this week, so I took Zack to see it. Overall I think he enjoyed it. I thought the movie was a little too "grown-up-ish" for a 4 year old. The funniest parts of the movie I'm sure were over his head and there were some scary parts too. We stopped off for some ice cream afterwards, so he anything scary was erased!

Zack had his first "show and tell" day at pre-school. Whoever brings in a toy for show and tell also gets to be circle-kid for the day. Circle-kid gets to place today's number (date) on the calendar, tell the class the weather for the day and place the appropriate weather sticker on the board. Zack loved being circle -kid. He now plays school at home and I got to be circle kid!!!

Aaron's favorite activity is to take all the pillows and blankets off my bed and to throw them on the floor at the bottom of the bed. He then climbs up on the bed, jumps a few times and then leaps off the bed into the pile of pillows. He's been doing this ever since I took him to Nittany Gymnastics, where they have a giant foam pit for kids to jump into. We haven't been back since that one visit because of illness or other schedule conflicts, but I think this is a sign that Aaron wants to go back!

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