Now that Zack is bigger, Zack has a chair that he pulls up to the counter and stand on. I've been looking for a child-size apron for him to wear when we cook (hint hint to grandma's reading this) but can't find one locally. Of course I've seen them on the internet, I've just been putting it off. I did however finally get him a little play kitchen.
In the photo above, I was making meatballs. I put on gloves when it came time to mix and form the meatballs. Zack wanted to help and asked to have gloves on too! Now whenever I cook something, he asks for gloves on.
On a side note: Today, as I started making lunch for the boys, I got side-tracked and started prepping for dinner, which turned into cooking meals and making snacks for the week. As I was slicing red peppers and grating carrots, I realized that I'm a foodie. This isnt exactly a new realization, I've always loved to cook and bake. But what I came up with today is the desire to share my passion and love for cooking. That means a new blog just for my culinary concoctions. I'll share any cool new tips I come across, recipes or ideas on how to sneak those veggies into meals without the fam realizing!
This is really cute! We have to get these boys together for some baking. I've been meaning to make soft pretzels with David all winter. We did it last year and he had a blast and they were really good.