I showed him how to get it back up in the air by himself and he took off running down the fairway with kite in tow! He was doing great until he the fairway curved and now he was running straight for a tree.
I yelled to Zack to come back, but it was too late, he tangled the kite in the tree! I tugged on the string but it was stuck. I surveyed the tree and decided that I might be able to climb the tree and reach the kite. I was able to climb the tree and I was about 3 feet from the kite and the winds picked up. I had to move closer to the trunk of the tree to keep from falling. I had momentary flashes of me falling from the tree and getting hurt and stranded there with a toddler and preschooler crying (because the kite is stuck!) So I decided I couldnt reach the kite and climbed down. I found a really big stick and was able to pull the limb down. I got the body of the kite down, but the tail was too tangled in the branches. Zack went on and on about the tail being stuck.
When I was pregnant we had some nice wind and I took one of my kites out (yes, I had my own kites with no kids :D ). Anyway, the handle got away from me and in my waddling state I couldn't catch it before it flew away into the deep woods behind our house. I had to cute the string and let the kite free. I do wonder where that kite ended up adventuring too! I wasn't nearly as determined as you to climb anything to get it back, tho I didn't have a crying toddler as motivation either!
ReplyDeleteWow! That is an adventure! It was really windy. I bet Zach really took off with it. At least he had the fun of flying it on his own before it got tangled in the tree.
ReplyDeleteI was having fun flying the kite by myself before I handed the reigns over to Zack. I couldnt imagine chasing after a kite while pregnant! (lol) I was hard enough chasing after Zachary when I was pregnant with Aaron! And I certainly dont recommend climbing trees while pregnant.
ReplyDeleteAt least the kite was only a cheap $1 kite from wal-mart.