Granted, the game is a scrimage among Penn State players. It's still a big weekend for alumni to return to State College, so there are alot of festivities going on.
Last night, there was a carnival, with games, rides and plenty of carinval-type food. There was a wing-fest, so this alone got Dave interested in going.
Immediately, Zack wanted to go on the ferris-wheel and Aaron was "neigh-ing" to go on the carosel.
Dave took Zack on the ferris-wheel, while I took Aaron on the carosel.
Zack liked the ferris wheel and Aaron cried the moment I tried to put him on the carosel horse. So I held him while we went around and around.
The next ride Zack wanted to go on was the little roller coaster. I thought Aaron would love the roller coaster too, so the 3 of us took a ride. Zack was giggling and saying "this is fun!!!" the entire time. Aaron was just along for the ride though. 
The giant slide had to be Zack's favorite ride though; I think he went down it 5 or 6 times. I went with him the first time down.
After that, he wanted to do it by himself.
He looked terrified whenever he was sliding down, but always jumped up and said "Let's do it again!!"
We finally convinced him to try the swings, at least he smiled here!
What a better way to top of the evening with some ice creamy from the Penn State Creamery!!
I wanted to go so bad! We were in NC that weekend. Sounds like you guys had a good time. And the weather was perfect! Do you go to many regular season games?