Zack and I were playing yesterday. He closed a lid on a toy. When I went to go open it, Zack says, "No, don't touch. It's crap!" I looked at him in disbelief and told him "That's not a nice thing to say and we dont say that word."
In true 3 year old form, he replies, "But it's crap!"
I'm doing my best not to laugh because after the third time saying it he gets a silly expression on his face. He just starts smiling bigger and giggling while saying "Crap! Crap! Crap!" I finally just left it alone and we moved on to a new game!
Later that same night, Dave and Zack were playing on the couch. I think they were having a little pillow fight. Dave bumps Zack with the pillow and he stops and says: "Hey!! What's the big idea!!!!" I can't remember if it was Dave that figured it out or Zack clued Dave in but this is something Donald Duck says in nearly every episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! hmmmmm.
At least once a day, I find myself stopping in surprise at what came out of Zack's mouth and saying "What did you just say?!!!"
Kids say the darnest thing!
Donald Duck has the funniest lines...that's despicable, this is very exasperating, oh yeah?!, hiya toots! and my personal favorite: Ah phooey - I tend to use that last one a lot myself!