Just a little compilation of pictures Zack has taken with the camera.
February 23, 2009
I have two strange boys. Well, I don't know if its just my boys or if its a guy-thing. But both of them seem to do what they can to be naked.
Zack will go potty, but not put his underpants or pants back on. After taking a bath he insists on staying naked, he's even gone to bed naked a few times. (The next day he askes for clothes because he's cold!)
This could be a result of us living in Florida for his first 3 years. In the hot Florida summers, I let him run around with only a diaper on or a t-shirt and underpants. But Aaron, he's a different story. Often times Aaron's diaper overflows and thus his pants are wet. So I put a clean diaper on him, but wait to put clean pants on him. Not everytime, but often enough, Aaron takes off his own diaper. Usually this is how he lets me know that he's wet (or more.) Its not a problem when Aaron takes off his own diaper, when he's wet, it's when there's more than just pee in that diaper that this little quark of his becomes a problem!
February 19, 2009
Chatty Aaron
Now that we're all healthy again, Aaron's become very chatty in the last day. He's been sputtering out new words and phrases like crazy. Yesterday, he started saying "night-night." I'm just going to compile a list of all the words (or sounds that indicate words) that Aaron says...an ** will indicate new to this week.
shadow (our cat)
"Oh no!"
Map **
blast off (too much little einsteins!)
mickey (as in the mouse)
hat **
silly **
thank you **
nose **
night night **
diaper **
more **
Aaron **
...and just today, Penn State!
shadow (our cat)
"Oh no!"
Map **
blast off (too much little einsteins!)
mickey (as in the mouse)
hat **
silly **
thank you **
nose **
night night **
diaper **
more **
Aaron **
...and just today, Penn State!
February 4, 2009
Zack and I were playing yesterday. He closed a lid on a toy. When I went to go open it, Zack says, "No, don't touch. It's crap!" I looked at him in disbelief and told him "That's not a nice thing to say and we dont say that word."
In true 3 year old form, he replies, "But it's crap!"
I'm doing my best not to laugh because after the third time saying it he gets a silly expression on his face. He just starts smiling bigger and giggling while saying "Crap! Crap! Crap!" I finally just left it alone and we moved on to a new game!
Later that same night, Dave and Zack were playing on the couch. I think they were having a little pillow fight. Dave bumps Zack with the pillow and he stops and says: "Hey!! What's the big idea!!!!" I can't remember if it was Dave that figured it out or Zack clued Dave in but this is something Donald Duck says in nearly every episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! hmmmmm.
At least once a day, I find myself stopping in surprise at what came out of Zack's mouth and saying "What did you just say?!!!"
Kids say the darnest thing!
February 1, 2009

Since the last post was all about Zack, this one will be about Aaron.
From day one Aaron and Zack have been like night and day. And when I say day 1, I mean even in utero. I remember telling Dave that I thought for sure our second baby was going to be a girl because the pregnancy was so different. Both were problem free, thankfully, but still different.
Aaron has always been a great napper. I take that back he has been every parents DREAM-napper. I lay him down in his crib, awake, and he quiet;y goes to sleep. He will sleep for a solid 2 hours everytime. He sleeps from about 8:30pm until 7:30am straight through nearly every night. His sleep is disrupted while teething though.
Whenever Zack's sleep was disrupted or he woke up scared or in pain(due to teething or illness), I brought him into bed with me. Zack would settle right now, snuggle up next to me and go to sleep. I sometimes try this with Aaron. This little boy flips and flops all over the place. He cannot seem to settle down in my bed. The other day he was so tired he finally fell asleep in bed with me. HOWEVER! He was sprawled across my neck making it very difficult for me to breathe! This only lasted a little while. Now, when wakes up in the middle of the night, I go in and check on him...check the diaper, check for fever, check the temperature of the room. But I dont stay more than 5 minutes. I have to lay him back down, screaming and close the door. He'll settle down in my arms, but the eyes remain wide open. Zack lays his head on my shoulder and is out like a light!
Aaron has this thing with laying on my head. We'll all be playing, the boys love to wrestle, and I'll lay down on the floor. Aaron invariably comes over and wraps his whole body around my head...usually the diaper area is over my face! He also has a knack for stepping on parts of me where its painful. If I'm on the floor with him, he steps on my hair half an inch from my scalp or he uses my boobs to assist himself in climbing up to my head. It reminds me of dog and how they dominate other dogs. Is Aaron trying to dominate me or is this just him being silly?
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